

Android 9

He becomes good. But was killed. His death inspired Goku.

Android 13

He comes in Dragon Ball Z Super Android 13. He is more powerful than Android 14 and Android 15. Later, Android 14 and Android 15 combines with him to form Super Android 13. 

Android 14

He comes in Dragon Ball Z Super Android 13. He comes along with Android 13 and Android 15. Later, His parts combines with Android 13 to form Super Android 13. He was killed by Trunks.

Android 15

He comes in Dragon Ball Z Super Android 13. He comes along with Android 13 and Android 14. Later, His parts combines with Android 13 to form Super Android 13. He was killed by Vegeta.

Android #16

Android #16 (Jinzoningen Ju Roku Go, Artificial Human #16) is a large fully mechanical android developed by Dr. Gero. He is deemed a failure, and is deactivated until Android #18 reactivates and releases him. Despite the other Androids disobeying and killing Dr. Gero, #16 still follows his orders to search for and destroy Goku. Unlike the other two, #16 processes a sophisticated mechanism to sense and track power levels in real time. While trying to protect #17 and #18 from Cell, he is greatly damaged, though Bulma and her father Dr. Briefs repair him. After he is repaired, he ignores his old orders to kill Goku, and focuses on the fight against Cell. Like the other androids he had the ability to self destruct, but the device was removed during his repairs. This is made known only when #16 tried to self destruct and destroy Cell, which Cell retaliates by destroying most of #16. His head and consciousness survived, but later is destroyed by Cell, which pushes Gohan over the edge to Super Saiyan. 

Android #17

Android #17 (Jinzoningen Ju Nana Go, Artificial Human #17) is a human forcefully turned into a cyborg by Dr. Gero along with his sister, #18. The two are released by Doctor Gero as a last resort, but they turn on their creator and quickly kill him instead. They begin to travel in order to find and kill Goku, coming into contact with the Z Fighters several times. In Future Trunks' timeline, he is a mass murderer who is later killed by Trunks. #17 returns one last time in Dragon Ball GT, when he fuses with a new #17 created by Doctor Gero and Doctor Myu in order to become the Super Android #17, who is finally defeated by Goku and #18. 

Android #18

Android #18 (Jinzoningen Ju Hachi Go, Artificial Human #18) is a human forcefully turned into a cyborg along with her brother, #17. After being released by Dr. Gero, she travels with #16 and #17 in order to kill Goku, though they are interrupted by Cell and the Z Fighters several times. She and #17 are eventually absorbed by Cell, but later during the Cell Games, a hard blow from Gohan causes Cell to regurgitate her. Though Krillin is unable to wish for her to be turned into a human, he is able to have her self destruct device removed. Krillin later pursues #18 and, at some point, they marry and have a daughter named Marron. In Future Trunks' timeline, she is a mass murderer who is later killed by Trunks.

Android 19

Android #19 is a human forcefully turned into a cyborg. After being released by Dr. Gero, He and Dr. Gero tried to kill a the Z Warriors. He is killed by Vegeta. 

Android 22

No data available.

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